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Helping Ogilvy PR Central team to think visually

OPR Central team: brainstorm output...before

Ogilvy PR Central team: brainstorm output posters...before

The success of many communication businesses is also due to the critical people that work behind the scenes. External clients may never see them — but a successful business can’t do without them. For me, this encapsulates the Ogilvy PR Central team in Sydney, which looks after financial strategy, finance, accounts, HR and talent. (disclaimer: I worked at Ogilvy PR for 6 years).

I recently helped the Ogilvy PR Central team, led by Emma Cartwright, to convert key ideas captured from an internal brainstorm on being ‘a trusted advsior’ into a visual poster and framework that the team could see and use everyday in their office.

Ogilvy PR Central team: brainstorm poster template...after

Ogilvy PR Central team: brainstorm poster template...after

The aim was to create a poster to help the team ‘live and breathe’ the outcomes from that brainstorm on a daily basis – as well as creating something more visually compelling than messy old sheets of butchers paper. The final poster was full of visual metaphors and acted as a framework so the team could populate it with ideas and thoughts on a daily basis using post-it notes.

Here’s what Emma said:

“One of the key goals in my department is for each of us to be a “trusted advisor” to our clients – Guy helped to bring this to life for us, turning a bunch of words on some messy documents into a colourful wall poster that captures the spirit of what it takes to be a trusted advisor, and is used every day to celebrate examples of success.  He listened so carefully to what it meant to me before translating this into an impactful visual that has pride of place on our wall, with the flexibility to evolve the content over time.  Thank you!”

Emma Cartwright, Director, Talent & Finance, Ogilvy PR Australia

Ogilvy PR Central team: poster detail

Ogilvy PR Central team: poster detail

Ogilvy PR Central team: poster on the wall

Ogilvy PR Central team: poster on the wall