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Logo design for 9-12s Kids Activities Programming

9-12s activities do matter

9-12s activities do matter

Activities for kids really do matter and can make such a positive impact. Kids benefit on so many levels such as: exercise, friendships, new skills, building self-esteem and confidence and having fun – the list goes on.

I recently created this logo design for ‘The 9 – 12’s Project’ – an initiative to enhance activities programming for 9 – 12’s in the Metro South West Sydney Region. This area encompasses the Local Government Areas of Bankstown, Fairfield, Liverpool, Campbelltown, Camden, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee. A key goal is to improve access to activities that promote positive development for children aged 9 – 12.

I gave some deep thought to the design and content of my illustrations which I used to convert into the final logo.

The seven stepping stones represent the seven local government areas mentioned above that will act as the foundation for this initiative. The two kids are stepping on the stones as they make their way from the start to their destination and each stride stretches them to make new progress – similar to the effect that the activities programme will have on participating kids. I tried to add movement and momentum in the illustration as the kids jumped from stone to stone.

If my illustration and short overview has peaked your interest, for more information, please go to: