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Graphic recording at HP Software Forum: Insight 2014

My graphic recording poster from the HP Software Canberra Forum plenary. Click on the image to increase its size.

My graphic recording poster from the HP Software Canberra Forum plenary. Click on the image to increase its size.

I recently graphic recorded three HP Software Forums called “Insight 2014”. Held in Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney, the HP events provided the latest information for HP Software customers. As the graphic recorder, my role was to visually capture the key points and themes from the main presentation on “Connected Intelligence: the New Style of IT”. My posters were shared on the HP Software online forum so that attendees had a visual and engaging memory tool from the event that could trigger memories, help them remember key insights but also spark new thinking.  You can see a photo of the venue room below with my graphic recording work station in the left hand corner.

My graphic recording work station can be seen to the left of the main stage.

My graphic recording work station can be seen to the left of the main stage.