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What type of digital media consumer are you?

Working with the Edelman Technology PR team in London, I recently illustrated what the types of people using (and not using) digital media may look like. My three fictional cartoon characters accompanied a survey press release by HP PSG on digital media evolution and usage in the UK.

The HP survey revealed that while Brits ‘are not in the Dark Ages when it comes to the progression from physical to digital ownership of media, they’re far from being Space Age’. For example:

  • While 86% of the population access some form of digital media, 68% still prefer photographs to be physical rather than digital, 64% for music, 75% for films and a massive 95% for books.

My illustration brief was to ‘bring to life’ three possible digital media personalities based on generalised typologies:

  • A ‘Future Head’ (approximately 16-30 years old) who is the key embracer of change, always choosing digital over physical ownership. Basically, ‘gadget-mad’.

A Future Head: crazy about technology

  • A ‘Rolling Stone’ (roughly 30 to 50 years old) who rolls with the best of both worlds. They are technology literate but not obsessed and will adopt a technology only if they see a clear benefit (and usually after the ‘early adopters’).

A Rolling Stone: leading a busy life - no time to be too tech obsessed!

  • A  ‘Suspicious mind’ (probably 50 years old and over) who are the most resistant to technological change and still love, consume and own media in traditional formats.

A suspicious mind: nothing digital please!

It was a great project to illustrate and working across the time zones between Australia and the UK worked out really well – when the UK was sleeping, I was working on the brief.

Edelman is a big and trusted name in PR. They’re the world’s largest, independent PR company with over 3,200 people in 52 offices worldwide. In addition to being one of the leading PR firms, they are well known for sharing insights and reports, in particular The Edelman Trust Barometer. The Edelman Trust Barometer tracks trust in major institutions across Business, Government, Media and NGOs; in industry sectors; and the credibility of sources of information. The Edelman UK tech team also have a blog worth checking out if you’re interested in snacking on regular tech insights and opinions.